Donate to Lighthouse Haddenham

Lighthouse does not charge for children to attend but relies on donations from local churches, parents/guardians and other generous benefactors.  The costs to run the events total around £60 per child.

If you have a child or children attending and feel able to donate to the cause

If you prefer to donate before the event (which would help us very much!) cheques should be made payable to Churches Together In Haddenham and sent to Lighthouse Haddenham, St Mary’s Centre, Church End, Haddenham, HP17 8AJ

If you prefer to donate during the event please use the envelope provided at Registration.  Cheques and cash can both be received this way. You will also be able to make a card payment on site during the week,

Gift Aid helps us greatly so if choosing this means of donation please complete  the declaration  that you can get at Registration

If you represent a local church

A letter will be sent to your church treasurer, if we know who they are.  The letter will set out how to donate to us and it would be extremely helpful if donations could be received before Lighthouse starts as this is when most of the expense is incurred. 

Ways to donate


Cash should be hand delivered to the registration area at the relevant site during Lighthouse week. Envelopes and a gift aid declaration will be available there or you can print and use the declaration below.

Bank transfer

You can make bank transfers to Lighthouse Haddenham:

Account Name:  Churches Together In Haddenham
Account No: 00634681
Sort Code:  30-90-38

If you make a bank transfer, please quote the taxpayer's name as the reference. Again, Gift Aid would help us greatly so if choosing this means of donation please print, complete and return the declaration below and send to Lighthouse Haddenham, St Mary’s Centre, Church End, Haddenham, HP17 8AJ

Gift Aid Form

Just to underscore, Gift Aid really does help us.  Even on basic rate tax, a gift of £10.00 from you becomes £12.50 to us. That bit extra soon adds up to help those less able to contribute.

However you choose to donate THANK YOU!

Lighthouse Haddenham is a registered charity No. 1201685